Monday, March 27, 2023

Facts of Life

-about 1 unpleasant comment to anyone apart those in Heaven. In the last 7 years. When after too much scanning I swore at a female car driver

-not one wet dream ever

-probably not once showing any 'teenage angst' all through my teens

-I have never had a truly bad day

-I have never been actually happy or sad

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Sanctuary Supreme

-in each Solar System there is a world where the Sun was

-the lands inside it are like in my design for a city I called Sanctuary Supreme

-on the outside of the Sanctuary Supremes the bottom half are all black

-on the top half of them they are white on the outside. With like an upside down pyramid coming down the middle. This pyramid has curved sides. And black lines Cross-Hatching in it. (like webbing)

-there are layers all through these once Suns. Each layer has the city designs of Sanctuary Supreme. Going up the centre of these layers is like a vertical tunnel

-the homes are the buildings similar to an apartment tower each

-Sanctuary SupremeSanctuary Supreme

Thursday, March 23, 2023


 -maybe a lot of those in it against me corrupt will be ostracized 

-about 1982 in my grandparents back garden

-I found a grapefruit with an equal sized one growing out of the side of it

-the two grapefruit joined like partners. Like saying people will lose their friends and family

-a grapefruit is a CITRUS fruit


-the star shapes of the fruit. The grapefruit growing out of the side of the other one. Like these people are made OUT  CASTS

-for what they did and tried to do to me. A person who does important miracles over space. Stars joining in mass to try to keep ruining my life. For risking the closing down of a lot of important companies. And for maybe the bad side effects their actions might have wound up over space




Thursday, March 16, 2023


 -MAYBE I with that switched  to another 'Universe'

-I might have moved to another same looking place as ours on Friday March 31st, 2017. When I took a bus ride to the next town. And by the mountain MAUAO. As in MESSSIAH. Or MAU / AO as in Antti-Messiah

-then at Marine Parade by the beach I said over and over Bop Bup Bup. And that might have moved me there. Like 'b' and 'p' in each beat look like a 6 or 666. And I was saying BEATS as in my BEAST BED SPREAD. The night before hand I had a dream of a  Parade of DC Comics characters in different themed groups. All in full body oversized 'China' costumes. And before I took the bus ride I scanned pages of a DC Comics directory and Posted them in themes. The comic called WHO's WHO. Like one side of me did now incredible powerful miracles while there. And this side of me was a fake

Saturday, March 11, 2023


-two secure illnesses I have so I might never have to look for work / study / look for work

-I have trouble walking. In the day lately it has been better. But at nights I used to inching around. I still would struggle always to walk more than one or two blocks. And walking several blocks for years has been an ordeal with me constantly stopping. At times from 5pm onwards at night I struggle to walk almost falling over

-my Constipation problem. I sort of go in cycles of how my bowels move. At times they go normally for maybe a few months. And sometimes it changes to a new problem. Last year lot of the year I never passed feces motions. And through the day I get frequent urine surges. The whole year I would go three months without feces passing then about 10 times over 10 days. My body really buckles as I try to stop it. But I end up with urine being released. Maybe even on to the carpet. And if I was out of my home I couldn't get to a toilet in time and it would go on the floor. Some times for a while I often pass motion other times I go a long time not. But the surges continue. Lately I have passed bowel motions much better and the urine surges aren't as bad. But they are still problems. With my Constipation the problem keeps changing so it could go back to being bad again. The urine surges can happen any time. My bowel movements and these surges have been partly better in recent months, but far from right. And things with my Constipation keep changing from year to year. Even if I shower in the morning. If my feces has built up but I can't yet pass it. I am going to get over and over showing soiled clothes. The times maybe a few times a year. I don't pass enough feces. I am going back and forwards to the toilet over a day. Needing to wash clothes over and over

-and the main mental illness I suffer from. I sometimes feel like my mind is frenzied. I am stumbling making mistakes and anxious. It only takes a comment or even my spirits to be lifted to set this off

-I get tired and dangerously shaky when biking large distances

-I probably can't try to walk a block safely 

-my legs often get stiff by the late afternoon making it hard to work

-when my Constipation is playing up. Even if I shower in the morning. Biking around in the heat can cause my pants to be soiled. And if I could not avoid going to the toilet while out it would leave bad brown marks on the seat

-a few times a year while it is harder to pass motions. The feces would keep coming constantly. I feel the pressure over and over. Soiling underwear again and again in the day constantly. Meaning I have no way of working or studying

-a real problem for doing things. These days my legs are often really shaky. I often almost fall over. It gets worse later in the day. But even going out to the supermarket about 1pm is a bad idea. By the time a job or course finishes each day I could be struggling to get around


-on Friday March 31st, 2017. I might have gone to live in another reality. Like a copy of locally

-while there I could do incredibly powerful miracles

-the night before hand I had a dream of a Parade of DC Comics characters in different themed groups. All wearing like oversized China costumes over all their bodies. I was told to that morning take a bus ride to the next city Mount Maunganui. Before I went I scanned and Posted the separate themed groups. From the DC Comics WHO's WHO comics. Like one side of me would be in the plane I could do powerful miracles and the other side or version of me was like a fraud

-at the base of the small mountain MAUAO. As in MESSIAH. Or MAU / AO as in Anti-Messiah. At Marine Parade by the surf I repeated over and over BOP BUP BUP. And maybe that gave me the incredibly powerful miracles. Those three Beats. Each one has like a 'b' and a 'p'. Like 666

-like the Second BEAST does mighty miracles for 40 months. And my BED SPREAD might be the BEAST from Revelations. And I said those three BEATS to maybe move to a copied place of locally. Beast Boy was GAR LOGAN. Like I get my miracle powers from my GARDEN near my front door step. Gar Logan was green as in garden 

-most of the original 60s Doom Patrol died saving a fishing Island with the population of '14'. I paid '$4'1 for this Death of Superman  comic including postage. When me and my grandparents first visited Tauranga they had met an elderly woman who made me a small carved boat. Like CAPTAIN Marvel and the fishing Island

-about 1982 I went to the Devon Mall just up the hill from that Motel and bought a long sleeved top labelled TRACKER that resembled some of the team's costumes. 'TRACKER' like in comics when Gar Logan was young he was an actor in the TV series Space TREK 2020

-I think my grandfather George Ager might have been the killer really of the CREWES.  Harvey and Jeannette Crewe. They looked like Dayton and Farr. Maybe the team set up these signs to say it

-the small CARVED  / CREWE fishing BOAT the woman made for me

-when I was very young I hammered the bonnet of my grandmother's light blue Fiat Bambina. Like in some later versions about the Doom Patrol the leader of the Doom Patrol arranged for the team's accidents that made them deformed and outcasts

-I once saw a slide of me maybe aged about 2 standing showing me in full naked in my grandparents' garden at Maxwell Drive. 1970 was the year the Crewes were murdered. Their murder is New Zealand's MOST FAMOUS unsolved murder mystery. As in MAX WELL

-I think my grandparents died unprepared. Maybe barely Christians. A few years ago I tried to use my magic. So when about 1987 I was given some money for Christmas. I biked to the next town. There was a large videos store there. It had a lot of new videos for sale. With large cases maybe mostly made by Village Roadshow. A few years ago I tried to use the two I bought. Both about 'robots'. So from back then my grandparents were really safe in copies of my home. Maybe for a long time. And on Earth since about 1987 there were two life like but unthinking robots who looked like them. One robot video was called SHORT Circuit. Like as ELASTI-Girl my 'mother'' could grow in size. And the other one called the TERMINATOR as in MENTO. Mento had powers of TELEPATHY, TELEKINESIS, and INTANGIBILITY . Mento had a see through helmet over his head like Terminators had artificial skin over them

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Books Ordered from Trade Me 9

-Friday the 13th Part 5 DVD

-Superman 75 original comic Superman died in

-Superman 4 Novel

-Friday the 13th 1-4 DVDs

-Friday the 13th 6 Jason Lives 

-Roots Mini-Series DVDs

-Batman / Batman Returns DVDs

-The Towering Inferno DVD

-Supergirl 1984 DVD

-Superman 4 The Quest for Peace DVD

-Superman 3 DVD

-Amazing Spider-Man Marvel Masterworks

-Marvel Tales Spider-Man 192 and 193

-OMAC 1 

-Fantastic Four Marvel Masterworks 

-Daredevil Marvel Masterworks

-Batman the War Years

-Marvel Two in One 94

-Secret Origins 3 (1973)

-Showcase Superman 1

-Shining Knight 1

-JLA Superpower

-Pink Panther Big Little Book Adventures in Z-Land

-Donald Duck Big Little Book The Fabulous Diamond Mountain

-Woody Woodpecker Big Little Book The Meteor Menace

-Bugs Bunny Big Little Book Double Trouble on Diamond Mountain

-Shazam 2

-Howard the Duck DVD

-Fantastic Four 10

-The Killing Joke DVD

-Showcase Presents Shazam

-Roots, Roots Next Generation and The Gift DVDs

-Legion of Super-Heroes the Great Darkness Saga

Thursday, March 2, 2023



-the buildings restore after 50 years

-with the buildings of the futuristic Prison I daydreamed up in 1985

-futuristic white walls and floors

-spacey with large buildings the size of a multi Cinema

-trees and plants often inside of it

-through a main staff door it can alternate as leading to any store or business from my 2014 Yellow Pages

-each with at least once service robot. A Sonny robot

-there are multiple recreation rooms of different themes in your complex. Taken from Queen Mary Cruise Ship

-there are unit sized individual rooms in it

-the robots get supplies from the businesses and service the complex

-each bedroom can play the full history of all the channels of New Zealand Cable TV Sky up until now translated

-the individual bedrooms have Disney+, NetFlix, Spotify, YouTube Music Premium and my Blogs frozen to this point

-and in shelves all my books, comics and videos.. And all the ones before I sold some off

-there are Sonny robots in the stores etc. And they can assist and even act as a simple competitor 

-any room can be flooded so it causes all in it to fall asleep for as long as staff wants

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Sea Bed

 -to as many places as possible

-on the bottom of sea floors runs 

-parks, attractions

-Hotels. That can be shared to live in or owned per person

-stores. Selling Disney products. Stores specializing on a theme of a Disney product eg: food or clothes

-there is like an air pocket over them

-and you can teleport in and out

-the Disney features are run by emotionless Sonny robots

-the stock restores each time the doors are shut

-and to live in are the Disney Hotels 

-and there is a translated channel by minds of Disney+

-after the reformation of space. Over where were once sea beds. To all places copies of my home. With the roof set up right. And the Budget / Welfare stores etc I came up with. All manned by robots like Sonny from I-Robot. The stock just restoring when doors close each night


Sanctuary Supreme

Sanctuary Supreme