Sunday, September 15, 2024

Futuristic City Blocks

 -these city blocks

-at the far left of the block. There is a shopping Arcade. Shaped like a magnet. But with three sides all straight

-there are about 24 specialists stores in the Arcade. They try to cover the main things needed

-all stock in all places taken from a Western style country. About the most advanced in that Universe 

-they restock when the store doors close

-on the left side of each square

-are 5 large sphere shaped white Libraries. They have either comics, books, videos, music, video games from that country. Each the height of one of the apartments. You can keep the item you took and the Libraries' stock of that item restores when the doors close

-the stores are serviced by emotionless Sonny robots

-in the other side of the blocks

-is an apartment building

-shaped like an upright, futuristic white cylinder shape

-they all have about 8 floors of apartments

-each floor divided in to 4 divisions of the floor

-on the base floor there is an air lift elevator. With room for extra storage

-each apartment has all the decorating of futuristic white 

-the apartments each have

-on facing walls 

-three cubicles on each of two facing walls. A white hand pull too sliding door for each small cubicle

-on one wall

-two cubicles of a bunk up and lower. A small shelf for each level. .And my computer screen at the head of each  bed. That just plays my Blogs, Spotify,  NetFlix, Disney+ or You Tube Music. And a small bathroom. With on the outside of it some sort of exercise gear to quickly boast muscle and maybe condition bodies

-on the facing wall two cubicles. A small storage room. A laundry. And a small kitchen. With the equipment mine has

-and on the third wall. 6 cupboards / fridges with each the $120 of Groceries I got the night I went to Hospital. And it restores weekly

-in each apartment on the top floor only are what I have in my bedroom, my lounge bed / couch and square dining table and chairs, and in my kitchen

-what my eyes has seen are on a wall since March 31st 2017 to explain and translate things

-at the opposite end of the block from the Arcade. Is a supermarket size store with free foods. The foods restocks when the doors close The store has other things supermarkets do. It is a multi level building. On top of the supermarket is the store like The Warehouse

-in each apartment and in stores. There are white boards on the walls. You can use them to communicate with others. And to pin point where they are 

-the buildings and stock restore every 50 years 

-ideally there is one of these whole city blocks per person / group of people wanting it. So all the features above can be per person. And the planet just keeps expanding as more want their own block

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Futuristic City Blocks

  -these city blocks -at the far left of the block. There is a shopping Arcade. Shaped like a magnet. But with three sides all straight -the...