Wednesday, May 24, 2023


-I recently got left to me by my mother after she died. A lot of old photos

-one was a framed photo of my grandmother and me. Taken about 1978 when I was 10

-my grandmother was wearing a light blue dress with designs o like 'sixes'. Like maybe saying I am the Anti-Christ and they represent '666'

-where the photo might have been taken. Our back garden at


-as in of BABYLON

-where Revelations says the Anti-Christ is from

-her name MAY ELSIE Ager

-like I am the Anti MESSIAH

-too if the photo was setup to show I am the Anti-Christ. The many thin horizontal stripes on my T-Shirt

-like Revelations says 'the Anti-Christ rules all nations with an IRON ROD'

-or like Pitchfork Tines

-the designs over my grandmother's dress like the fictional long, black, far spaced hairs on star MARKY MARK (as in 666) I saw in the magazine photo

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