Sunday, September 15, 2024

Futuristic City Blocks

 -these city blocks

-at the far left of the block. There is a shopping Arcade. Shaped like a magnet. But with three sides all straight

-there are about 24 specialists stores in the Arcade. They try to cover the main things needed

-all stock in all places taken from a Western style country. About the most advanced in that Universe 

-they restock when the store doors close

-on the left side of each square

-are 5 large sphere shaped white Libraries. They have either comics, books, videos, music, video games from that country. Each the height of one of the apartments. You can keep the item you took and the Libraries' stock of that item restores when the doors close

-the stores are serviced by emotionless Sonny robots

-in the other side of the blocks

-is an apartment building

-shaped like an upright, futuristic white cylinder shape

-they all have about 8 floors of apartments

-each floor divided in to 4 divisions of the floor

-on the base floor there is an air lift elevator. With room for extra storage

-each apartment has all the decorating of futuristic white 

-the apartments each have

-on facing walls 

-three cubicles on each of two facing walls. A white hand pull too sliding door for each small cubicle

-on one wall

-two cubicles of a bunk up and lower. A small shelf for each level. .And my computer screen at the head of each  bed. That just plays my Blogs, Spotify,  NetFlix, Disney+ or You Tube Music. And a small bathroom. With on the outside of it some sort of exercise gear to quickly boast muscle and maybe condition bodies

-on the facing wall two cubicles. A small storage room. A laundry. And a small kitchen. With the equipment mine has

-and on the third wall. 6 cupboards / fridges with each the $120 of Groceries I got the night I went to Hospital. And it restores weekly

-in each apartment on the top floor only are what I have in my bedroom, my lounge bed / couch and square dining table and chairs, and in my kitchen

-what my eyes has seen are on a wall since March 31st 2017 to explain and translate things

-at the opposite end of the block from the Arcade. Is a supermarket size store with free foods. The foods restocks when the doors close The store has other things supermarkets do. It is a multi level building. On top of the supermarket is the store like The Warehouse

-in each apartment and in stores. There are white boards on the walls. You can use them to communicate with others. And to pin point where they are 

-the buildings and stock restore every 50 years 

-ideally there is one of these whole city blocks per person / group of people wanting it. So all the features above can be per person. And the planet just keeps expanding as more want their own block

Smallville City Blocks

 -the Fraser Street block constantly covering inhabited planets land in the Universe

-the list of premises along my Fraser Street block

-one side

-Mount Action Centre- through a building's door

-through the door next to that a copy of Bayfair Shopping Centre

-through the next building's front door are the block of shops across the Road from Tauranga Boys College. Like Target and other furniture stores

-through the door of the next building a copy of the Mile High Comics Mega Store Jensen Street, Denver when it was open 

-through a home's door is a copy of the North Edmonton Mall Canada

-a Doctor's with about 15 key stores through it. -The Warehouse, Pak n Save supermarket, Briscoes Homeware, Harvey Norman Appliances and Furniture, Mitre 10 Mega Hardware, Brookfield Pharmacy,   Myrtle Beach Aquatic and Fitness Centre,  Animates Pet Store,  Animal Feed Barn,  Sonshine Christian Bookcentre, Kwang chow Restaurant , Oaktree Restaurant ,  Noel Leeming Electronics , and Koops Cycles 

-behind it a two story home. The first floor a Marvel Mania Restaurant. Above that entering a copy of 1983 New York Marvel Comics

-my home.  It has my property set up in it. In my bedroom the electronics pick up the frequencies. The middle TV and radio gets all the Sky Cable TV channels. And always has a full history of them. Through the small book room a copy of the futuristic Prison/Hospital I came up with. In the garage are seating and a large screen. It gets any TV, film or Internet in the Universe

-through the hall doors they alternate too for the book room (Russia), spare room (India) ,bedroom (Ireland) As of 2023. But without the inhabitants of them

-there is no Conservatory. Through the glass sliding door is a copy of the beach, Pool and landscapes from the WHAM video for Club Tropicana. You can either enter the home or Club Tropicana

-through where there is my back fence along from where the Conservatory was. Is a gap with your old home through it. All power etc working

-all copies of my home. Are actually 5 stories tall. The first and fourth story like the ground level. Then the top 5th level 3 versions of my home going across. And the outsides glass. So they look like a glass capital 'T' block. But the same looking versions of the old ones. And each 5 story copy of my home. As the second and third story has a slimmer room height Thunderdome. With stock on the second floor food especially suited to your race. And for the third floor a store stock especially suited to your race like The Warehouse has. These two stores each are the same size floor size of my home. The stock restores when the door to them closes. The ceiling above the first floor replaced by the new ceiling. And almost all the stock on these two floors. Is laid out on wide wooden planks on top of Pyramid style wooden legs. The first time I bought a DC Comic. I had just moved to Tauranga. In Farmers store on their base floor there were comics for sale on plank benches like this I bought an Australian reprint of Justice League stories

-in the unit in front of mine are Takeaway Restaurant tables

-in the business home at the front you can shape the inside with your mind how you like

-in the Anne Holland Law offices next door is a Pool that can heal many things

-through the next house is New York Public Library Main Branch

-on the opposite side of Fraser Street going in the same direction

-through the door of a home a Museum. Duplicates of items from worlds where stories happened from the stories I show in my miracles

-the next home leads to any attraction on Earth 

-there is a home's door that inside has a viewing Cinema of all Earth TV transmissions past or current

-and either side of the Street are-

-Warehouse of NZ Crazy Floggers- DVDs, CDs, Blue Rays. And of Mighty Ape and Fishpond Online Stock

-Danger Room idea. You can have adventures based on Disney videos in bookcase of my garage

-Farmers Dept. Store attached to Devon Mall as in 1982. With alternate to shops Museum about me

-through a home's door leads to any US Natural Attraction

-through a door. Are copies of about 24 of Australia's main attractions. You pass above them. On a walkway and you can find the way to them

-through a door is North Mrytle Beach Aquatic and Fitness Center

-through another home's door is an enlarged basement floor of Farmers. With the full Trade Me New Zealand content of currently. The stock are on planks on like wooden farm pyramid legs 

-in all copies of my home there are these 5 units

-where The Elms Flats are.  The design of the units from a dream I had. There is another long drive. 4 units along the side of it. And a fifth unit at the end facing the 'parallel' to the Road. Five main bedrooms of each unit having working copies of my bedroom. And the rest of the units are free for things. The 5th back unit has all my property in it. And the miracles through doors work. An adult sized bedrooms in each of the five units. And three bedrooms By the Road is a row of 5 single garage doors. As if facing the road side but really facing the units. The four units along the long drive. And at the end a 5th unit running along the back face of the drive. With some grass and like a wooden park bench table and seating. If possible this is done so cars can be driven out of each garage. The copies of my home linked by roads all over. Each of the 5 main bedrooms has the computer with Spotify, NetFlix, Disney+, my Blogs, YouTube Music Premium. Frozen at current selection. And the middle TV and radio plays any current TV, radio or Internet transmission in the Universe by will. And the TV at the right plays DVDs etc

-around the edges of the block are two story tall green grassy and flowery banks

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Tauranga World

-my home on Fraser Street. Where the miracle plant grows and is the basis of the Manger. Copied out over space and Hell

-the Fraser Street block it is on. Covers most landscapes over inhabited worlds

-the circuit of around the block behind my home. I RAN naked around it late at night once. Maybe the basis of Revelations IRAN

-those blocks are maybe the Garden of Eden

-my home at 175 Darraghs Road Tauranga. Where the Windor High comics are made about

-just along the Road from the Island is Silver Birch Motel. The first Motel my grandparents and I were going to stay at on our first visit to Tauranga. There is something about a string held up across the room we looked at. With white sheets held up dividing the room

-around the corner from these the Grace Road home probably of Mills Reef Winery owners

-Tauranga Boys College- maybe one year of the whole student body of that year. Half were my sons by sex and half by my sperm dropped in their mothers

-Otumoetai College- where I went. Where the Archie Comics style about me were set. And a massive channel over space

-Mills Reef Winery- at Bethlehem

-the BOP Polytechnic at Windermere- I passed a theory Bartending Course needing a 80% Pass Mark

-the homes around 175 Darraghs Road- where while mentally ill in 1985 I broke windows with an axe and nearly hit my grandmother on the head with it

-Otumoetai Primary- where I went to. Years later I went back to a Flea Market there. I bought a stack of old valuable X-Men comics for almost nothing. Around the issue their member Phoenix gains too much power and loses control

-BOP Polytechnic Bongard Centre- where a couple of women similar to the main couple in the movie Beaches were friends

-while living in Darraghs Road about 1981- several of us young people went to paddocks across the Road from my home. Somehow a pig ran out. There was Reids Bacon Factory by it. I picked up a post of timber like in defense. Later on that same trip we found some really old bottles. As a few of us were taking some an elderly man approached in the distance angry

-Baycourt Theatre- where during it's opening Charles and Diana were visiting. I reached out my hand and shook his hand

-once called Sunrise Trust- maybe at 41 18th Avenue. Where I started to improve my life skills and improved while living with other people

-the back unit at the corner of 16th Avenue and Cameron Road. Where the man who might be the Anti-Christ threatened me at the front door

-the small Mount Maunganui mountain Mauao. As in Messiah. In the next town .Where the rocket for the rocket and satellites Monitor mission comes from

-by there Marine Parade- that I took a bus ride to there in March 2017 and repeated over and over Bop Bup Bup. Starting my powerful miracles

Monday, June 19, 2023

My Son is the Anti-Christ

 -over night the night before I had a dream I read Online the Disney Channel had all shut down. I may have been picking up what I did later. Or it could be about 2010 in a nearby bookstore I saw a Disney book reduced from $29.99 to $11.99 called Disney Storybook Collection. I asked the store owner if he would put it on hold for me. And from behind me a man appeared looking like Walt Disney and cut in and paid for all of it. Like a ticket to years later me getting years of really powerful miracles. Only I think there is a good chance it was a man appearing to look like Walt Disney  

-the Anti-Christ watches my Blogs. He knows he is my son. He is the man at my grandparents' front door in 1991. Tall, shoulder length black hair at the back and really evil looking. Looking like soap opera character Doctor Peter HOLLAND. As in HELL. I imagined a Hard Copy TV news story once. 'Actor Andrew Shue's wife actress Elizabeth Shue had left him for actor Val KILMER'. Elizabeth Shue is really his sister. Andrew Shue looks like the Anti-Christ partly but his hair is shorter. Andrew Shue on the TV series Melrose Place plays Billy CAMPBELL. Like the name I could have given the Universe was 'Campbelltown'. Where me and my grandparents stayed with relatives in Australia. Val KILMER as in KILL MESSIAH. In about 1978 me and my grandparents were visiting my mother. She bought me some comics. One was a comic of black and white reprints of horror stories. There was a panel of a man lying naked in bed with a sheet partly over him. The Police were bursting through the door saying Get up. Like I force me on people and the Police try to stop me. The man was tall, attractive with fawn hair and chest hair. Like a student a few years ahead of me I would not meet for years. His name was Brendan KILMISTER. Like I KILLED the MESSIAH with channels on me. He passed my friends playing HAND BALL and he flicked the tennis ball off is black leather jacket. I made a joke. One of my friends Brent Legatt said You can't grow a penis you're just trying to be like Paul Longley. Paul Longley the villain of the High School line like the Messiah the villain of Days of our Lives. This says I am sleeping around and getting people pregnant. Val Kilmer played Batman like saying I am a super hero. I imagined that news item because the Shues were siblings. So maybe someone is saying the Anti-Christ is my son and watches my Blogs. And another time I caught a glimpse of Melrose Place. Mel RAISE like I get people pregnant and cause them to have to RAISE them. Andrew Shue's character Billy Campbell was naked. Maybe standing in front of a window in a tall building at night. He was holding on to a baby just above his groin. Like I get males pregnant and cause them to have to be proper mothers. The man at my grandparents' front door said Get your grandfather mate. Like saying I go around getting males pregnant. And my grandfather said to Tell him we don't want anything. SHUE as in SUPRE 

Wednesday, May 24, 2023


-I recently got left to me by my mother after she died. A lot of old photos

-one was a framed photo of my grandmother and me. Taken about 1978 when I was 10

-my grandmother was wearing a light blue dress with designs o like 'sixes'. Like maybe saying I am the Anti-Christ and they represent '666'

-where the photo might have been taken. Our back garden at


-as in of BABYLON

-where Revelations says the Anti-Christ is from

-her name MAY ELSIE Ager

-like I am the Anti MESSIAH

-too if the photo was setup to show I am the Anti-Christ. The many thin horizontal stripes on my T-Shirt

-like Revelations says 'the Anti-Christ rules all nations with an IRON ROD'

-or like Pitchfork Tines

-the designs over my grandmother's dress like the fictional long, black, far spaced hairs on star MARKY MARK (as in 666) I saw in the magazine photo

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Books Ordered on Trade Me 10

-Boy Commandos 1

-Action Comics 359

-Teen Titans 25 (Silver Age) 

-Batman 3D Art

-Super-Team Family 7

-Legion of Super-Heroes DVD

-Brave and Bold 149

-The Marvel Family 1

-Roots Novel

-Hawk and Dove 1 (Silver Age)

-The Flash 260 (Silver Age)

-Iron Man 142 (Silver Age)

-Big Little Book Tom and Jerry meet Mr. Fingers

-Big Little Book Pink Panther at Castle Kreep

-Peter Parker Spectaular Spider-Man 1

-6 Asterix Books with the 12 Tasks of Asterix

-Asterix Dogmatix and the Magic Potions

-Disney: Deluxe Treasury

-Flash 1 3-D Cover

-Rupert the Bear 1974 Annual

-Avengers 236

-Invaders 11 (Silver Age)

-Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes 203

-Showcase 100

-Roots DVD Set

-X-Men Marvel Essential 1 and 2

-Detective 501

-Doom Patrol 1 (1987)

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Animal Kingdom

-to all places for animals etc
-a lot of each breeds' foods they like just lying around on the ground and keep reappearing. And animals can will the (already dead) food to appear
-different sections of these for different breeds. To stop animals attacking each other
-they are safe here and humans can't get to them
-any animal etc can teleport TO their style section when they find out about them
-and teleport OUT too. Maybe if they want to live in another themed place
-like in the Universe sickness is reversed. And crimes are movements that are blocked
-the food layout is the same but different animals are changed to suit this environment
-these are on the sea beds

Futuristic City Blocks

  -these city blocks -at the far left of the block. There is a shopping Arcade. Shaped like a magnet. But with three sides all straight -the...