Monday, December 26, 2022

Jesus Christ would'nt Talk to Me

-shown to me for real

-by years ago I Posted a Facebook comment on DC Comics Facebook page saying 'I met  Jenette Khan and she didn't say Hello to me /had nothing to say to me'

-the next day 'what I saw'. I saw the comment on the top of their Facebook comments

.which is impossible

-so someone set that appear partly to show Jesus Christ wouldn't talk to me

Monday, December 12, 2022

Titanic Satanic

-I might have fathered Satan on the Titanic

-maybe him by that saying

-like it was a White STAR Line Ship

-because of the actions of the

-STARS, DC Comics (logo) Jenette Kahn. CRUISE Ship as in CHRIST. CRUISE as in CORRUPT COMPANIES

-like the Titanic was a massive Ship that sunk

-the business EMPIRE built up against me. Will somehow go under

-caused by space becoming like my idea of DOWN UNDER LAND. And the Ship went under

-the Titanic was a CRUISE Ship. Like maybe some of those in on things against me will be OSTRACIZED

-White STAR LINER. Like Satan is Marvel Comics' STAN LIEBER. Or Stan Lee

Sunday, December 11, 2022


-years ago I left a Facebook comment on DC Comics Facebook saying 'I met DC Comics' Jenette Kahn and she didn't say Hello / anything to me'. The next day I saw the Facebook comment was on the top of their Facebook page. Which is impossible. Maybe someone setting that up that way to say some of those who come in to her plan will be ostracized and people won't talk to them

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Crisis Miracles Blogs

-Miracles for Each of 3 Universes
-Start of the New Universe
-Doom Patrol

-Contents of Blogs

-AGER Web CompanyAGER Web Company

-Macro BlogsMacro Blogs

-New Ager BlogsNew Ager Blogs

-Blogs of My Miracles

-Links of Media

-Leave it to BinkyLeave it to Binky

-Sugar and SpikeSugar and Spike

-crisis Blogscrisis Blogs

-bopbupbupmm Blogsbopbupbupmm Blogs

-kmatt1 Blogskmatt1 Blogs

-Macro Blogs

-Christian Blogs

-My Products and Character Designs

-Links to My Blogs

Sanctuary Supreme

Sanctuary Supreme